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Baltimore City College Joseph Meyehoff Library Access, 24/7: Destiny Discover Intro

A guide for accessing articles, books, and library help anywhere, anytime.

Create Account

Go to the Destiny website:


Select - Baltimore City College


Select – Create Account (at the top right of the homepage)


The next screen will ask for your last name, which is your last name with the first letter capitalized, and your barcode, which is your student ID number. Enter both, press next.


Enter your birthday, select next.


Create your account information (select userID and password that is identical to either your email login or your login so that it’s easier to remember)


Select - Destiny Discover (on the left hand side of the page)

Read eBooks on a phone or tablet with the "Destiny Discover" App

First, download the free app: For Apple iPhones, iPod Touches, or iPads, click here. For Android devices, version 2.3 or newer, click here.

Launch app, then select "Maryland" from Location menu, and enter "Baltimore City College" into the "Schools" box, select it from list.

Check the box that says "Remember me on this device," then tap "Log in"

Enter your Destiny username & password, click "Submit."

Enter your school network username (NOT your Google ID) & password, click "Submit."

Tap "Open" to begin reading, or "Checkout." To download book for reading off-line, click the down arrow (in cloud) icon. If Text to Speech is available, you'll see a "play" triangle icon next to the page number, tap to activate or adjust rate and voice by tapping on the open book icon. Tap on the Aa icon to adjust font size.

Practice Keyword Search

Go to:

Confirm you are logged on.

Enter into the Keyword Search Box - housing desegregation

There will be entries for Books, Digital, Databases, and Open Education Resources. Books are print books in our library collection, Digital are eBooks in our library collection, Databases are entries from scholarly databases supplied through City Schools, and Open Resources are approved websites. You cannot access JSTOR through Destiny Quest.

Take five minutes to explore the different resources.